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Hello, I loved your work. I am currently developing a video game in pixel art. I have a question. There are some animations that I loved, but I see that the notes do not include how I can add them.

Hey, thanks for the support! I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Are you asking how to implement the sprite sheets in your game engine?

If you'd like, you can join the discord server to talk about this a little easier.

Great pack, thank you! It's a bit strange to have sprite sheets and individual frames separate. Usually, asset packs contain the individual frames and sheets together. It's not a huge deal since I can slice the sheets back into frames pretty easily, though.

I’m glad that you like the pack! I get that it might seem a little strange. The original idea was to create a package for game devs, and another for video editors. The png sequences are rendered at a higher resolution 1024x1024 and the frames for the spritesheets are 512x512 (to help with optimization). The png sequence version also contains transparent mov files. The process to create the png version of the pack was lengthy enough that it felt right to separate them.

Thanks for bringing this back to my attention, if this isn’t a format that is helpful to most developers I might have to rethink my approach.

As a game dev and video editor I find the format very nice! PNGs are great to reuse assets for trailers and sprite sheets are super convenient for game dev (at least with godot). The split folders make more sense to me to help keep it all organized imo


Thanks for the thoughtful feedback as both a dev and editor! Really good point about separate packs helping stay organized. 

I’ll keep thinking on the best ways to support both use cases the best, but your perspective confirms that maintaining the separation makes sense for now.


Great, overall, and thank you for the replies. I'm looking forward to seeing the new updates for the packs to come!

Hey I really appreciate png spritesheets as dev, since im using Flutter Flame to develop my games its really hard to find good assets in that format and most of the time i have to slice them myself. 

That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing and for confirming this format is the right direction. And it’s really cool to hear it used in less mainstream engines.

Thanks again for reaching out!

Hi, in the demos I've noticed that there is randomness in the vfx (such as in the coin toss, the coins are thrown at different trajectories). Is this only possible in the unity prefabs version? From what I can tell the spritesheet versions are prebaked, so randomness is impossible.

Hello, yes you are correct. The randomness is only available in the Unity version. I unfortunately couldn’t include the same level of flexibility for the spritesheets,  but I did try to include layers and A and B versions to help give as much flexibility to spritesheet and png users.

Hi, thats good to know, thanks for replying!

Are spritesheets included for the elements that make up some of the effects? For example, in the explosions there are some small flares. Having some of those would be great to add some randomness to the effects using particle systems in other game engines.

I know for some of the effects there are spritesheets for them, but I’m not sure if the flare you’re mentioning for the explosion  is available or not. I’m unable to confirm that at the moment, but I am still making updates, so you can always request things to be added to the pack. Either email me or leave a comment and I’ll try my best to get to it!

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Thanks for replying so promptly and putting up with my questions!

I'll get the pack when I can as its an amazing value and has a style that can fit with a lot of games.

As for the effects, I went through the demo again and did see a lot of small ones that I can layer to get some variety.

I also want to ask if it's possible to get some of the textures used for the particles - like pngs of the stars/sparkles.

No problem! And that’s a great idea, right now the textures are only available in the Unity version, but I don’t see why not include them as a bonus in other packs. I’ll work on adding them in :)

(1 edit)

Check your email, please~ sent me an email.

Hello, thanks for letting me know! I got your email :)

Hi, I just purchased this, however, Do you have png sequences instead of sprite sheet? It allow me better customization.
I saw the png sequence in the free trial so ... could you send it to my gmail it it wasn't available online?

Absolutely, I’ll send you an email within the next 24 hours.